Monday, April 15, 2019

15th of april 2019

What's up?

Reepicheeps  Diary, 15th of april 2019

In de void of His absence i realized that all i could do was watch and pray.
Waiting for His coming. While waiting showing me, like time itself, to be an earnest laborer.
Silently pondering on the questions yet unasked and unspoken.
Revealing my deepest secrets to Him in prayer. Leaving them there , laying down before His feet.
It gave me a sense of rest i must confess. Like confession with a priest.
It is a shame that priests however, so often has taken advantage of the vulnerability of those young confessors. I sincerely hope that the church. . .  I really hope the church will improve its actions in these matters. That there will be no longer sexual abuse of children,girls,nuns and that those responsible for it wil take action to stop this misconduct. Repent what they did wrong and seek redemption for their actions.
I mean the great emperor has clearly spoken about these matters. 
Even among talking animals, relationships are only permitted with respect for mutual personal boundaries. Taking the personal intimacy of the other person into consideration is the guiding principle. Not only following your instincts may be leading. After all, we are talking animals.
Even in the animal world there is no such thing as boundless freedom of action. There is always the whole that is more than the sum of its parts.
That is something that I have always held as a noble knight of the High King.
“There are things that only touch the surface, below that the soul stays the same and shines, like a pond on which leaves sail.People sing and listen to what it sounds like.” (Vasalis) I heard a poet say when i traveled through the land of Adam and Eve.
I have not stayed there long but long enough to witness the resilience of the people.
For now i wil close with some small wisdom talk from mr Tumnus himself.

“A four legged animal walking upright like a gentleman doesn’t mean a thing, as it disrespects the intimacy of others.”

Hail Aslan,
