Calculating souls. (exerpt from Reepicheeps diary)
A city journey by Reepicheep.
I have spent some time lately in this big City, called Metropolis.
As i passed the Guards they even didn't notice me. I went there to visit my nephew Rogue the rat.
He showed me the most beautiful and interesting places of this town. We went to the museum where they keep their works of art . There was this ongoing exhibition and what i saw there puzzled me. It weren't the works of art but the faces of the visitors. I saw many smiling faces. people were astonished by what they saw while looking at a beautiful painting.
Then Rogue led me to the Stock exchange. What i saw there puzzled me even more.
I saw faces with a lot of tension. People were not smiling at all and n most of them had such a serious glance in their face. I felt no joy. People were staring at their displays, interpreting figures and graphs. Sometimes i could see some kind of relieve in their faces but there were moments of great disappointment also. Apparently things went wrong for them and thats what i could read from their faces immediately! It wasn't a positive thing to see. I never saw the same relaxed expression on their faces as was the case with the visitors in the museum.
That day i discovered to kind of souls!
The Calculating soul and the Porous soul.
What i mean by these two i now will try to explain.
The Calculating soul is the soul of a banker, a grocer, salesmen, than kind of people. That kind of souls is always looking at their glasses half empty. They do have a focused mindset towards their reality. They see their glas of wine and conclude it is half empty. Their world is that of subtract, multiply, divide and adding. Always focused on achieving their goals and getting into a win-win situation. They consider staying the same as a form of regression. Their view off their glas of wine being half empty proves it. These souls are always driven by getting more and their “more” clearly is never enough to them. Thats why they have such grim and dark looks on their faces when things go wrong but also they are joyful when things are going well en “things are going well” is equal to making profit.
The porous souls on the contrary opens itself up to new ideas, new impressions. They’re the people with all their senses wide open to absorb everything life has to offer. Their social antennas are always on their eyes open to see, their ears open to hear and their hearts open to meet reality with love and respect. These are the artists, the painters and sculptures. The musicians and dancers, writers and poets. To them the glas of wine is always half full and besides that they are constantly amazed by its texture, its flavor and color and above all it’s taste.
They have eye for beauty of life and are capable to read between the lines of life and it’s them who discover new ways, new forms of expression.
I didn’t stay long in that city but returned to Narnia within 3 days to be with Him again and to come to myself again.
Hail Aslan.