Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Here my greatest lesson in humility!


Hail Aslan.

Law of sharing no.1

Foolish sinner poet for the King rebel with a cause prophet without wisdom om empty handed crawler towards the Lamb Knight of Aslan.

What can we learn from the beggars in the streets?
That’s a question  i asked myself today as i was looking through the fur coats.
So this.... look to a beggar! Do you see her?
It's a woman that probably possesses nothing but the clothes she wears at the moment this picture was taken. She even hasn't shoes on her feet! All of her belongings are in the bag next to her!
We all have seen beggars before in our life, haven't we? And we just pass them, maybe we look in the opposite direction just to not have to face the emptiness and desolation of her existence.

But what can we learn form the beggar in the street?
That we must share more than we do now!
Because when we share less the amount of beggars in the streets will rise proportionally! And we all will know that our society is developing in the right direction.
The more we all share, the richer we become!
Since then the number of beggars decreases proportionately.

Beggars are the bellwether of humanity.

This was my latest insight while looking through the fur coats.

Hail Aslan!