Friday, December 8, 2017

Reepicheep has a bad day!

December 8th 2017.

As the first fresh snow has fallen down and the fire is burning,  i  sit behind my desk to write  about the  events of the past few days. That is , to ponder upon many things. Maybe to whisper a softly prayer.

Jerusalem, now pronounced as the undivided capital of the promised land by the global courts jester himself. It’s gonna be terrific eh, horrific believe him it will.

The decease  of an old and beloved aunt, mother of her two sons and last in line of a true friendly family. The threads with my own ancestors now definitely cut through. We are next in line ,standing eye to eye facing  death.

That my friends,  is  a true understatement regarding my dear brother who called me the other day to tell me his cancer has come back and that there is no chance for him to get well again. He now, is ‘buying extra time’  through  chemo therapy and radiation treatment. Time is precious for all of us. Dear Father of all life.  Stand guard over my sick brother and send your angels to watch over him when his illness will progress, his strength will  weaken and his flame will become smaller and smaller. Comfort him with his most precious memories he has gathered throughout his lifespan. And  let Yourself be found by him in Your mysterious way.

Soon the four of us will have to say goodbye forever to him and three of us  will stay behind on this planet and go on living without him. The quartet we always were will be incomplete for the rest of our lives and will continue to shrink as time goes by. 

In three weeks Christmas is coming, the birth of the son of man is at hand, or at least we remember his birth now almost 2018 years back. His life as a rabbi, as a preacher, as a madman, a sorcerer, a servant, son of god,  his suffering still inspires me to this day. Especially these days because it is in Him that i can keep track of my own whereabouts in time space and matter. Every step of the way . It is in keeping my eyes on Him that i still have a positive perspective about both life and death.
He is my benchmark in thinking, loving, caring, living these days. In His reflection i see myself truly as how i am. And that my dear readers is a great comfort to me. I don’t say that you all out there must do the same, no i won’t bother you with that kind of thoughts. I just want to stand witness of what peace it brings in my own thinking, my own questioning ,my own lack of trust, disbelieves. My hesitations are true and almost the same as yours. For we all have our doubts.
But what makes us human?  Having a conscious and having our own will. That’s what makes us human. We are free to choose which ever path to walk.
For me it is that small ,almost invisible path to the great emperors throne. Far away at the outskirts of Narnia. At the other end of the glass sea. 
Where the seven scrolls are neatly tugged away in the eastern wall , just behind the emperors throne. Where in the castle gardens tables are full and jars are still filled up to the brim.

Yours Truly,


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Reepicheeps thoughts on Trump and Kim

Reepicheeps diary.

What’s new Reepicheep? The faun gently asked.
Reepicheep turned his head around and answered.
It’s only the beginning Mister Tumnus. That what we see from North Korea and Mr Trump is long foretold by the old and wise men .
Far before your time it is written that out of the mouth of a fool pours forth foolishness.
Well you only have to watch the news carefully everyday and you will understand that the age of foolishness has arrived!
I mean, when a man comes away with such vulgair language as “Grab them by the you know what.” No words needed to underline that is it?
And as for mister Kim thinking he is a god himself we have all the ingredients of a complete disaster just because of the ego’s of these two men. Or should i say thee two testosteron bombs on legs.
Well i know there is only one remedy for it and that is to wait it out and see what happens.
In the mean time Aslan is on the move. I feel it in my whiskers and sometimes in my tail as well.
We will have to listen carefully and quietly but in the end we will see Him coming through the sky the same way he left us.
‘Till that moment i sit back and relax and enjoy my evening meals, a glass of good wine every now and then and a good conversation or a long read in newspaper!
Time will take its course no matter what Trumps and Kims will come up with.

For now i’m done with it, could use a nice cup of tea so if you please mister Tumnus  Earl grey would be fine thank you! No milk no sugar either. Only the thought of Aslan is sweetening enough for me thank you.

Hail Aslan.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Looking through the fur coats, watching mens society i discovered something strange that happened over time.
In the early days people had their own groups to belong to. There were Roman Catholics, Presbyterians, protestants, atheists, communists, free mercers etc.
Everyone had some kind of group to belong to to have faith in and to trust.
All those groups decreased in some way during the last decades. From the early fifties mid sixties society began to  “modernize”. And many churches closed, political parties went away, people became “free” . Society became more individualistic.
Nowadays we have internet and with the internet en social media there was a strange phenomenon going on. People started to create voluntarily new bubbles like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,Snapchat and all other kinds of groups to belong to.
It seems to mee that every man en every time has a necessity to belong to.
I, for instance, belong to Aslan. To whom do you belong?

Hail to the great Emperor


Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Here my greatest lesson in humility!


Hail Aslan.

Law of sharing no.1

Foolish sinner poet for the King rebel with a cause prophet without wisdom om empty handed crawler towards the Lamb Knight of Aslan.

What can we learn from the beggars in the streets?
That’s a question  i asked myself today as i was looking through the fur coats.
So this.... look to a beggar! Do you see her?
It's a woman that probably possesses nothing but the clothes she wears at the moment this picture was taken. She even hasn't shoes on her feet! All of her belongings are in the bag next to her!
We all have seen beggars before in our life, haven't we? And we just pass them, maybe we look in the opposite direction just to not have to face the emptiness and desolation of her existence.

But what can we learn form the beggar in the street?
That we must share more than we do now!
Because when we share less the amount of beggars in the streets will rise proportionally! And we all will know that our society is developing in the right direction.
The more we all share, the richer we become!
Since then the number of beggars decreases proportionately.

Beggars are the bellwether of humanity.

This was my latest insight while looking through the fur coats.

Hail Aslan!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Calculating souls

Calculating souls. (exerpt from Reepicheeps diary)

A city journey by Reepicheep.
I have spent some time lately in this big City, called Metropolis.
As i passed the Guards they even didn't notice me. I went there to visit my nephew Rogue the rat.
He showed me the most beautiful and interesting places of this town. We went to the museum where they keep their works of art . There was this ongoing exhibition and what i saw there puzzled me. It weren't the works of art but the faces of the visitors. I saw many smiling faces. people were astonished by what they saw while looking at a beautiful painting.
Then Rogue led me to the Stock exchange. What i saw there puzzled  me even more.
I saw faces with a lot of tension. People were not smiling at all and n most of them had such a serious glance in their face. I felt no joy. People were staring at their displays, interpreting figures and graphs. Sometimes i could see some kind of relieve in their faces but there were moments of great disappointment also. Apparently things went wrong for them and thats what i could read from their faces immediately! It wasn't a positive thing to see. I never saw the same relaxed expression on their faces as was the case with the visitors in the museum.
That day i discovered to kind of souls!
The Calculating soul and the Porous soul.
What i mean by these two i now will try to explain.
The Calculating soul is the soul of a banker, a grocer, salesmen, than kind of people. That kind of souls is always looking at their glasses half empty. They do have a focused mindset towards their reality. They see their glas of wine and conclude it is half empty.  Their world is that of subtract,  multiply, divide and adding. Always focused on achieving their goals and getting into a win-win situation. They consider staying the same as a form of regression. Their view off their glas of wine being half empty proves it. These souls are always driven by getting more and their “more” clearly is never enough to them. Thats why they have such grim and dark looks on their faces when things go wrong but also they are joyful when things are going well en “things are going well” is equal to making profit.

The porous souls on the contrary opens itself up to new ideas, new impressions. They’re the people with all their senses wide open to absorb everything life has to offer. Their social antennas are always on their eyes open to see, their ears open to hear and their hearts open to meet reality with love and respect. These are the artists, the painters and sculptures. The musicians and dancers, writers and poets. To them the glas of wine is always half full and besides that they are constantly amazed by its texture, its flavor and color and above all it’s taste.
They have eye for beauty of life and are capable to read between the lines of life and it’s them who discover new ways, new forms of expression.

I didn’t stay long in that city but returned to Narnia within 3 days to be with Him again and to come to myself again.

Hail Aslan.